Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Don’t forget to take some time today to remember and thank our troops and their families for the sacrifice they make for our safety and freedom every day! Is there anything more American than a hero in the armed forces? I don’t think so! We should never take for granted the freedoms we enjoy, and what it costs, because it isn’t free! I am especially thankful today for my friend CJ Stewart.

CJ is a member of the 101st Airborne Combat Medic, and was deployed to southern Afghanistan on May 11,2010. Not even a month after being in Afghanistan, he was badly injured and nearly lost his arm. It has now been close to a year ago since CJ was injured. He has had close to 40 surgeries total, and the progress he has made has been an awesome thing to watch! CJ has amazing parents who have been so supportive, and also have been so gracious in sharing their experience and keeping all of us updated throughout this difficult journey. They all have also used every opportunity to turn a bad situation into something positive, and into one that points to our Father. I have NO doubt that God chose CJ and his family for this difficult journey because He knew how they would respond. They have truly been an inspiration to me, to countless others, and ultimately to the Kingdom of God. CJ is TRULY one of my heroes and I am so thankful for him today! Thank you CJ!!!

CJ with his dad (Mr. Chuck) and his mom (Mrs. Robin)

Verse of the Day: "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you may inherit a blessing." 1 Peter 3:9

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